In this story about the McCances, why do you think they wanted to become homesteaders? At that time in our country's history, did many people want to homestead?
Relate what you learned about the McCance family in this story to what you know about our country today. Do you see any similarities or differences. How have things changed or stayed the same over time?
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ReplyDeleteThe McCanes wanted to become homesteaders because of all the advertisements make the prarie sound like it is the best land you could get. Also they wanted to move to the prarie because if they could have very good crops, they could put their produce on the train nearby and sell the goods to make a lot of money. A lot of the people in our contry's time period wanted to homestead because they didn't have a very good life where they were living right now. The McCanes are like some people now a days because some people now aren't doing well were they live now, but if they move they might think they would have better life there. People wouldn't go through as many hard ships as the McCanes went through because we have more advanced tecnology today. Some of the severe weather might stay the same over time now.
ReplyDeleteI think that the Mcances wanted to be homesteaders because maybe they were poor and wanted almost to start over with a new life. Also, in the paper they made it sound like Nebraska was the best place ever and had perfect weather, so they probably thought it was perfect for them. Or maybe they had no where else to go and didn't have enough acres to be able to farm well. Also, the prices were very low for that many acres and so maybe they just thought they would go for it. Lots of people decided to become homesteaders just like tge Mcance family. The world seemed to have changed a lot since the pioneer times. But things have stayed the same too. Like, lots of people who aren't doing well where they live, they move. I feel like there are more differences then similarities. Like people don't usually have one room houses anymore unless you live in an apartment, and usually the whole family eats together instead of the children having to wait until the parents and other guests are done. I think it is pretty interesting how much the world has changed.
#11- I think the McCances wanted to become homesteaders because they would have land to herd cows and steer on, live on, and space for gardens and growing crops. They probably wanted a new life because they were very poor before, and needed a fresh start. At that time in history, many people wanted to homestead because homesteaders owned land, but they were mostly farmers. Some similarities and differences between now and then, there are many. A similarity is that there are still farms like that in Nebraska where farmers do a lot of hard work. A difference is now it is easier to get supplies because a farmer now has a choice they could go find some dirty water, or they could go to a grocery store and buy a cold bottle of fresh water. A farmer back then would have to stick with dirty water and hope they survive. Farming has canged over time and stayed the same over time in different ways. It has stayed the same today, and back then both grew (grow) crops. It has also changed over time because today, if there is a crow that is very far away we could hop into a truck and quickly drive over to it, as opposed to then you'd have to walk. These are some of my opinions (and some facts) on the farming now and in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
ReplyDeleteThe McCances wanted to become homesteaders so they could have alot of land and grow crops to sell. But what they didn't know was that it was so dry and hard to live there and there was nothing to make their house out of except for mud and straw! Because there were no trees or anything except for dirt, water, and grass.
ReplyDeleteNo one liked homested, but when thay heard about 12,000,000,000 acrs that all started to homestend. The people that word at the raieroads thoght if thay get poeple to live here that they will have mouny to billd the raieroads. In the 1800s it was a desters out in CA and no one liked it here.
#27........ I think that the McCances wanted to become homesteaders because where they originally were from was tough. Maybe they wanted to be given good land so they could sell their crops to get money because back in Missouri it was hard to get money. With that idea planted in the McCance family's head they probably saw that propaganda that was shown on page five hundred. They thought that life was just going to be wonderful and delightful if they bought the land because of that untruthful letter. Then right away they bought all twelve million acres. The McCances experienced some hardships. Like fires, tornadoes, and lightning storms. Nebraska still faces those weather problems, but Nebraska has also changed. Since people are no longer allowed to lie such dreadful lies people no that Nebraska has those storm and fires and such. Overall, I think Nebraska along with other parts of the world have changed a lot.
ReplyDelete#30 says....
ReplyDeleteThey probably wanted to be homesteaders because they saw the advertisements saying that the Nebraska prairie land was the best land you could get to grow crops on. They fell for the advertisement. Yes, most people wanted to homestead because lots of people bought land from the the railroad. They also fell for the advertisement. There are still some farms in America, but not very many. Instead of growing the crops yourself, today all you have to do is drive over to the grocery store and buy your fruits and vegetables. Lots of farms have been taken away, but the farms that are left today are very big farms. Not very many things stayed over time and many things changed over time. 1885 wasn't that long ago and we've already got computers when they didn't have very much technology. Thanks for reading my blog!
ReplyDeleteI think the McCances wanted to be homesteaders to crow crops on thier land. I think thats why they filed a claim to get 160 acres. I think that a lot of people wanted to be homesteaders for the same reason that the McCances did. They wanted land to grow thier own crops on. I think that since they were giving land away and it was in good shape people wanted to own it. Also many peole had just moved here from Ire land so they needed somewhere to live. in the past almost all people worked on farms. Today in the present people still work on farms but people do many other things as well. The diffrence is that they worked on farms to get food but we can go to the store and buy food. I think we are very diffrent from the pioniers. We have phones, cars, and computers. They had pull carts and worked on farms. This is why I think we are very diffrent from the McCances and many pionier familys just like them. This is what I think about the McCances family and the family compared to our modern world.
ReplyDeleteSome of the reasons the McCance family wanted to become homesteaders is because of all the advertisements making the land sound so great and wonderful when it really wasn't. They would talk about the dark rich soil and the great climate even though the land was the opposite of what they were talking about. Also, it wasn't expensive and there were a lot of acres, probably more then the McCance family used to to have. People did want to homestead because times were hard and people didn't have much money. There are both similarities and differences. A similarity is that people still don't have much money and a difference is that there are not many farmers today. Many things have changed, yet some have stayed the same.
ReplyDeleteThe McCances wanted to become homesteaders, because they probably wanted to have space for growing crops, and a better place to live other than where they lived before. In our country's history, many people wanted to become homesteaders, because they could find a better way to earn money, a better place to live, and since they own land, they can grow many crops and have animals on their farm. When people became homesteaders when the McCances did, they had to do everything for themselves. Now people can just go to grocery stores and buy what they need for their farms. For example, the McCances had to make their own clothes out of some fabric, when today you can go to a store and buy yourself clothes. People who became homesteaders way back had houses made of sod. Now houses are made of much stronger materials, and they aren't dirty like sod houses.
ReplyDeleteThey wanted to be homesteaders because there was a lot of land that was cheap so they wanted to go there. But the flyer was saying that it was way better than it really was. Many people wanted to move and become homesteaders because they might have done some thing bad or did not make that much money.
Lots of things have changed, there are more cars, more homes,a lot more people, and less trees. There is still farmers but not as much as there used to be back in the 1800's.
I think they wanted to become home steaders because they wanted land to plant crops. Yes people wanted to become homesteaders because of land and the interuption of the Civil war. The difference between America today and in the past is we were different clothes, we don't have to have a farm, and our lives are different from what it was back then in the 1850 and 60.
ReplyDeleteI think the McCances wanted to be homesteaders because they wanted more farmland to grow crops so they can have lots of food. They can use some of the food for them, also to sell for more money. I also think wanted to get more land to live and herd cows at the farm. At that time I think most wanted to become homesteaders and do as the McCances did. From when the McCances lived to when we live, I think that there are a few similarities and differences. One is that they used sod for their roof and adobe for their walls unlike us that use different materials that they didn't have. Another is that we live in cities where we can go somewhere, and it only takes us a few minutes. They have to travelfor a long while to get any materials they need. I think things have most definantly changed.
ReplyDeleteI think they wanted to become homesteaders because the other citys and towns were had to much people and no room for them. I think more people wanted homesteads because they were so cheep and some pepole thought that they would make more monney that way. I think there is more different than the same but people sill have farms and have livestock. The farms aren't that big any more and people don't live in a sod house any more.
ReplyDeleteI think they wated to become homesteders because they saw and read the paper that said that there was a lot of land so they wanted to live there, so they can farm and because they the land there is very good land and it has great soil so that means the people who did the paper where using propaganda. Propaganda is a peice of paper that says allsourts of lies such as rich soil when the siol is hard to breack to plant seeds and you have to work harder than you usly do. There are a lot of things that are the same and differnt of Orange County today and back then first thing that is the same is that we still have presidents and that is differnt is that there are more people in this county.
ReplyDeleteThe McCances wanted to homestead because maybe where they came from they were poor, didn't have the best life that they could and also that the newspaper article said that the Midwest prairie was great, had rich farming-land, and climate is great, but the truth is that the soil was terrible, the climate can get from too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.
Yes, many people did want to homestead because just like the McCances they weren't having the best life. Also, because they might have had their house destroyed by lightning, tornadoes, or hurricanes.
Some similarities that we have same as back then is homesteadin or also in modern term moving.Since some people's houses also can get struck by lighning, or get destroyed by hurricanes and tornadeos.So they move.They can also move same as back then weren'y having the best life that they could. So they move.A diffrence is that we don't have to work as much as we used to back then.An other diffrence is that our population has grown also our knoledge of technology.
ReplyDeleteThe McCances wanted to be homesteaders because they saw advertisements about how wonderful Kansas and Nebraska were. The advertisements mentioned things about how great the soil was for crops and that those states had exceptional weather. Of course this would make most families want to go there if they were living in a place that was not as good as what the advertisement said. Speaking of, a lot of people wanted to homestead because of that reason. From back in the 1840's to 2011, there are definitely some similarities and differences. Some similarities are that they grew crops such as corn, etc., and the environment of the state is very much the same. There are a little more differences than similarities. Some differences are that the kids had had a lot of chores and the chores that they did were very hard for such young children. The people also dressed differently. Girls wore long dresses that covered most of their body. Things have changed overtime. There are more buildings in the area and we do not were lots of clothing. Kids do chores that they can handle.
ReplyDeleteNo, i don't think that many people wanted to become homesteaders. I think the McCances wanted to become homesteaders because they heard about the 12,000,000 acres of land. In 1885 the McCances filed a claim on 160 acres of land in Nebraska. I also think that they wanted to become homesteaders because they thought that Nebraska had rich farming lands. The McCances also wanted a farm with live stock and crops. When the McCances moved to Nebraska, Poppie built a home made out of sod. Even though the sod roof wasn't water proof, it was a good place to live in. Mama had to use a fabric called "calico" for clothes. The difference between what we wear today and what the pioneers would wear was that the girls didn't show any part of their skin, now people in the present show their arms with short sleeve shirts, and legs with shorts. In the past kids on the prairie would hard chores, and now kids don't do much chores.
#14 I think that the McCances wanted to become homesteaders because of the persuasive posters that made it sound like the land in Nabraska was very rich. The McCances thought that they could sell their crops on the train that was nearby so that they could be wealthy. They also probably didn't have a good life where they used to live. Many people made homesteading populare because they wanted the land the railroad promised. I think that modern America is different because we have cars, phones, and more technology than they did. We also don't have to grow our food beacause we have markets.
ReplyDeleteThe McCances really did not have a choice. They were looking to homestead. Other people from different countries were homesteading. Now days people are still coming from different countries. But they do not buy land, instead they probaly rent apartments or buy homes. Also children do not do hard chores as they did back then. Also people are coming here when they do not have permission.
#20 :>
ReplyDeleteThe McCances wanted to become homesteaders, because they saw a flier for a lot of acres. So they bought the acres for a cheap price, and became homesteaders. But when they got to there new land it was a much harder life. Did many people want to become a homesteader. Well yes, and no. Some people wanted to have a huge chunk of land. Then some people wanted to live in a city with people.
Back then, and today was very different. Back then when pilgrims were around it was horrible. It was horrible, because their was no cars or even air conditioning. It was always hot and humid. Today we have an easier life. Why because we don’t have to go out every day plowing or getting buffalo chips or we don`t have to dress like them. It is warm clothes. Like long sleeves, and long pants. By reading this you can tell it was way different back then.
Some things are different, and some things have stayed the same. Like the dry air and we are still a desert. Those were reasons for the questoins. Why did the McCances want to be homesteaders? How is your state different or the same from back then?
ReplyDeleteI think the McCances wanted to become homesteaders because the have a lot of land to plant there crops and put the animals in a barn for shelter. People back then wanted to have homesteads because they can sell there crops and get more money. The McCances and people now have some similarities and differences. Some similarities that the McCances and people now have that people now still have farm, people now have animals (farm animals), People now also grow crops like corn, grain, carrots ect. Some differences that people have today and people like the McCances have that we have different clothes then we do, we don't wear dresses all the time, We don't collect cow or buffalo chips anyone, and our houses are not made of sod.
ReplyDeleteThey wanted to be homesteaders because they needed land to build a farm and a house to live in. They needed more land to build crops and other things. Yes many people did want to homestead. Well not many people live in Kansas today but when Grace was a young girl it was popular. Some people still live in Nabraska today. There are still farms around, but very many. Also, people were very well manerd. Like the childeren were never to talk at the table. and childeren did very hard thing like Grace went to herd the cows and she got very hert.
ReplyDeleteThe McCances were homesteaders because they
wanted to get rich by growing wonderful crops on
the great land on the advertisements they saw.
Just like the McCances other pionners wanted the same thing and also got tricked by the
propaganda and went to Kansas and Nebraska. The McCances and others soon realised that Kansas and Nebraska wernt really nice places at all but they got used to it. The women men and kids did lots and lots of hard work with cloth all over them.
ReplyDeleteMany peple wanted to homestead in the 1800s, thiswas due to the propaganda campaing. The ads made it look great, but it turned out to be a much harder life than expected. There were many hardships encountered, such as, it was a lot of hard work, houses could be destroyed in storms, the soil was not always fertile and many other things. Cildren would collect cow chips for fuel, keep livestock in order and do several other things. today life is no longer like that, it has changed quite a bit. Very few people do things like that anymore, they work in better environments and have many things a lot easier than others back then.
ReplyDeleteI think the Mcances wanted to be homesteaders. Why would they live out their if they didn't. Also they probably wanted land. The railroad company didn't tell them about the hardships though. I see some similarities to modern society such as propaganda, it's not as much like it used to, be but they still use in commercials and things. Also I see people still wanting land there's not as much anymore, but people still want it. Also people still get their houses and things ruined by natural disasters. Many things have changed over time though. We now have cars and computers. Also we don't need wells, we now have sinks and grocery stores. Technology has changed a lot too. Instead of candles we have lamps and roof lights. Man has even been on the moon. So I think the world is now a hole different place.
#29-The McCances saw an advertisment for owning acres of land. That would be a wonderful opertunity to own land. Yes and no. For yes, the homesteaders can do anything to their land and you can grow crops. For no, it is hard for keeping the crops in one piece because of the weather. Speaking of weather, there can be tornadoes that can destroy the homestead and destroy the crops. The homesteaders will also might need some goods(Like yarn and utencils.)from a town and usually, the towns will be far away. They also might get homesick. Farming is still around. The homesteaders use unusable materials into new things. Today, we call that recycling.
ReplyDeleteI think the McCances wanted to become homesteaders Because the advertisement gave twelve million acres and, three million in central and eastern Nebraska. The advertisement told them it was rich farming lands in the in the Platte Valley so, the McCance family claim one hundred and sixty acres of farm land. Many people wanted to homestead because, they were not doing well or very poor in america. People homesteaded from Ireland because they were poor and their was a potato famine. Now less people become homesteaders because, people claimed land in the Mid West.