Cause and Effect:
Why did the people living in Brazil cut down trees in the Rainforest? What were some of the outcomes of that deforestation? Be sure to include a variety of perspecitves when writing about this issue. And, discuss how deforestation impacted people, animals and the environment.
Reread your blog entry before you submit it: check for spelling, grammar and whether you have actually answered the questions above.
Include your atomic number at the beginning of your response.
#6:The people in brazil cut down the trees to grow crops. The deforestation caused the tamarins and many other animals leave the area or die. The tamarins and other animals had to leave the area.
ReplyDeleteThe people in Brazil cut down trees in Rain forest because they wanted more farm land and places to build houses and villages. Some of the outcomes of that deforestation were the dirt would only last for about two years until it went bad and you couldn't use it anymore. Another outcome was that the tamarins didn't have anywhere to live once the forest was cut down.
ReplyDeleteThe people living in Brazil cut down the trees because the wanted farms. They wanted farms for crops and they wanted cros for money. The effect of cutting the trees is that many animals lost there shelter and died. The people of Brazil were thinking of themselves when they cut down the trees. The reserve and everyone that was trying to save the tamarins because they could not survive without the rainforest. The reason they brought the tamarins to captivity is because they could not survive and there spieces was dying off. The whole point of the story was to show how they wanted more and more tamarins to survive in the wild.
ReplyDeleteSome people living in Brazil cut down rainforests so they can make space to build a farm, and grow crops. It wasn't a good idea to keep cutting down the rainforest, because it takes away animals' homes. It also wasn't a good idea to cut down parts of the rainforest, because the soil wasn't good for growing crops. Most animals need the trees in the rainforest. By cutting them down, some animals start to slowly die, and that can lead to exticntion. The Golden Lion Tamarian was starting to loose its population, so the Golden Lion Tamarian Conservation Program tries to bring back their population. People also need the rainforest, because we get most of our oxygen from the rainforest, and if we cut down all the trees, our oxygen level will go way down. So, we need the rainforest, and we shouldn't take away the trees, because most animals live in them, like the Golden Lion Tamarian.
When the people hear the soft whistling, as she scans the upper canopy of the leaves. Anderia Martins leads her brother Renato and her sister Carolina through the rain forest.Also it is hot abd humid there. The small group is surrounded by the teeming life of the tropical forest. They can here the birds sing, insect buzz, cicadas chirp. They hear a tractor engine, cattle lowing, a rooster, and men at work on a fazenda, or a farm.~22
ReplyDeleteThe new settlers that came to Brazil cut down all the trees to male housees and bruned trees to make room for framing land. But now there is only 2% of what the rainforest was. All the Golden Lion Tamarins were going exint. I also Think some other animals were going or are extint from that.
#7 They cut down the trees so they could make money by opening sugar and coffee plantations. They had reduced the forest by allot of miles which reduced the animals resources, it also forced animal to relocate or die because they didn't have the resources to survive.
ReplyDelete# 20
ReplyDeleteThe farmers in Brazil cut down trees in Brazil because they wanted more room to plant crops, and food. They also cut down trees for room to build their houses. So when they cut down trees they didn`t think about the wildlife in the jungle. The farmers cut down trees, and it effected the wildlife, it also cut down the air from the trees and plants. When they did this it didn't really effect the farmers only just the air condition.
ReplyDeletePeople cut down the rain forest to grow crops and make furniture. The outcome is that Golden Lion Tamarins are endangered because they are losing their homes. Losing the rain forset is not only a problem for the monkeys but for us to. If we lose the rain forest it cuts off a large amount of our oxygen. So they stopped deforestation and are now making a living by helping with the Golden Lion Tamarin Reserve to repopulate their species for years to come.
ReplyDeleteThe early Eruopean settlers in Brazil cut down trees to build cities and burnt forests to make crops.The deforestation had many side effects such as the near extinction of Golden Lion Tamarins.Also only 2% of the original forest remain. Now the forest is not producing enough oxygen or taking in enough Co2.The deoforestation needs to be stopped now or global warming will continue and more species will be put on the endangered list.
ReplyDeletePeople cut down trees for crops and houses for shelter. Made with wood so they cut down the trees. They wanted more room for crops and houses. People wanted to for the munkys so they take it from it's habitat and raise it in a zoo. Then they'll take it back, but they will keep a eye on them of about a week.
#28 :0
ReplyDeleteThe people in brazil wanted to cut down the trees because they wanted to build frams and grow crops.The deforestation caused they tamarins and other animals to leave and go to a differnet place.
ReplyDeleteThe first Europeans first came to Brazil they cut down forests to build towns and homes. They also grew coffee beans and sugar plantations. the outcome of the deforestations were that the aniamal lose the living space. The Europeans cut down ninety eight percent of the rain forest.
ReplyDeleteThe people in Brazil cut down the trees because they needed land to grow crops. There are many outcomes of deforestation. First of all, those trees are the Golden Lion Tamarin's homes. Cutting the trees down left them homeless. Also, the fruit on those trees could have been a food sourse for the Tamarins. People, like those in the Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Program, don't like the idea of Tamarins having no home. That's why they take them and prepare them for being reintroduced into the wild.
ReplyDeleteThe people in Brazil wanted to cut down the forest so they could have land to build their houses and raise families on. Also the farmers wanted some land to farm on, even though their crops only lasted for two years. Some of the consiquences for deforestation are that the animals that live in the rainforest, loose their homes and food. Also another problem with deforestation is if the people who are cutting down the trees don't replant, the whole rainforest would be gone. Another problem is that when you cut down the forest, you are also killing animals, so if you cut down the whole forest all most all of the animals would be extinct.
#19 The people that came to Brazil cut down trees because they wanted to grow coffee and to build buildings so then at that time 1960s the golden lion Tamarins got to the extinction area.At 1983 Dr.Benjamin Beck and his staff were resarching about the tamarins.
ReplyDelete#27....... The people in Brazil cut down the trees in the rainforest because the farmers need food and shelter. When they move in the area, they need crops for food, and space and barns for shelter. They cut down trees to get their way, but they shouldn't because there are living things in those trees. Cutting down those trees is taking away an animal's home. Some of the outcomes of the deforestation is that animals are losing their homes and becoming extinct. The Golden Lion Tamarin is one of those animals that are becoming extinct. Although, the Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Program is reintroducing captive tamarins to its natural habitat.
ReplyDelete32 D: :D
ReplyDeleteThey cut trees down to make and sell land, crops, and other sweets and goods to sell to other people so the tamerins can not survive in a cut down forest. wich it makes it harder for the monkeys to find food for its self.
ReplyDeleteThe deforestation began when the Europeans came to Brazil. They cut down trees and burned most of the Brazilian coastal rainforest to build their homes and make room for crops and sugar. This left only 2 percent of the forest that once stretched 1500 miles, nearly wiping out the entire population of the golden lion tamarin. Eventually people warned of the imminent extinction of this creature. And so a reserve for the tamarin was established. Captivity born tamarins are trans ported to this reserve to be readied for their reintroduction to the wild. Hopefully the population of the golden lion tamarin will grow in the wild, and they will no longer be endangered.
ReplyDeleteThe reason the people of brazil cut down the trees was because the need shelter and farm land. After they cut down the trees they would burn the stumps. The burned area was good to farm for two years but, after that it could you could not farm anything else. The outcome of this was that all the animals living in those trees would have no homes and starve and die. People from the Washington D.C. zoo came to brazil to help the tamarin monkeys. There plan was to have about two thousand tamarins by 2025.
ReplyDeleteI think the people living in Brazil cut down most of the rainforest because they were Europeans that had just moved there, and they wanted more land to build their homes. They cut down the trees for house materials and burned the forest so they have more space for building. They also wanted to use the extra space for coffee and sugar plantations and pastures for livestock. The outcome of the deforestation is that the animals, including the golden lion tamarin, can't survive because all of their food is not there anymore. This is because of the people burning down the trees, and with no more trees the animals don't have any shelter or food from the dead trees. So none of the animals can survive if the trees are gone. Also, if the trees are cut down, people can't have any interactions with animals. which some are usefull for hunting food.. Alsoif you burn the trees, you can't use them for logs in your home. Deforestation also ruins the nature in the forest because your cutting down parts of it.
#11~The people living in Brazil needed to chop down the rainforest because they needed a place to settle and a place to plant crops. Some of the outcomes (effects) of deforestation are effecting us and the wild. An effect is that the people that are cutting it down are destroying many animals' habitats and making a lot of animals either endangered or extinct. Another reason is that if we cut more rainforest down we will have less oxygen in the atmosphere and we will all perish. Deforestation has a big impact on people's perspectives. The people at the reserve were scared that the species of the tamarin was highly endangered. Most likely the tamarins' perspective deforestation means death and extinction.
ReplyDeleteThe people in Brazil cut down the trees mostly because they thought it would be good farming land. And when a of the crops died because it wasn't the right kind of soil they moved on to a different part of the forest and cleared out all of the trees there as well. The outcomes of this was less homes for the tamarins and that means less population. If people don't stop cutting down the tamarins homes soon there will be no more left as well as no more trees. Trees give people a lot of oxygen so that will affect us people as well. We must try to save the rainforests
ReplyDeletePeople needed farm land so they cut down the trees so they could have the land. Then they could not even use the farm land because they did not know what seeds would grow there. Some of the outcomes is there will be less forest and more wild life will be gone. We help trees and trees help us. The trees give out oxygen and we give out carbon dioxide. If they keep cutting down trees, they have to plant them some where else so it would be at balance. If we keep this up we will die off and become extinct.
ReplyDeleteFarmers in Brazil wanted to cut down trees to make space to plant crops, they would also burn the trees to give nutrients to the siol that the tree stored, but the down side was that the could only have those nutrients for two years, so the farmers would keep burning the trees until most of them were gone. Also, the people in Brazil cut down trees to make homes, food, and to make space for towns. The outcomes of the deforestation was that the rainforest was disappearing and along with it were also the golden lion tamarins,slowly and slowly thier population went down and that's a big problem because they can get close to extiction. Also we need to save the rain forest because we get our oxygen from plants. Since we have a symbiotic relationship with them we need them not cut down. We need them because they breath out oxygen which we need and we breath out carbon dioxide which the plants need. So on the up side we can get crops that the farmers grow and cities, but on the down side we have to cut trees to do it which are animals' habitat and we don't want them endangered.
ReplyDeletePeople want to cut down the Rain Forest for furniture, shelter(homes), tools, and food. Some of the outcomes were that people were cutting down the trees and that was taking away the habbitat for the Golden Lion Tamarin. The deforestation is if we cut down the trees then there will be less oxygenin the world.
#29- There are many ways why Brazil wants to clear the rain forest. Brazil mostly want to clear the forest for land to make shelter and raise crops and livestock. When Brazil cuts down the forest, they are taking away animals' homes. When Brazil cuts down the forest, the animals have to move on to a part of a forest that was not cut down or face death. Some of the animals are endangered like the Golden Lion Tamarin. Not only forest getting cut down is a problem, there are things like poachers who trap and kill Tamarins. If Tamarins keep on dying, there won't be anymore Tamarin's left on Earth.
ReplyDelete# 30 says ...
ReplyDeletethe people living in Brazil cut down the rain forest because they needed room for their homes and towns, and coffee and sugar plantations. The settlers didn't care, but the brazilian people about 2 centuries later cared about the tamarins. They didn't want these monkeys going extinct.
The Golden Lion Tamarin now has 2 percent of what was a huge forest for their home. That's why the Brazilian people are helping to save the little tamarins.
ReplyDeleteThe people in Brazil cut down the trees since they wanted to build their crops and houses.
They were not well educated so they did not think
about the effects on cutting down the trees. And they needed a home and food. They did not really have much of a choice. However the golden lion tamarin was left with no home. Their nests were in the trees and when the Brazilians cut the trees down they were bringing down their nest too. Deforestation is has bad consequences. Deforestation not only affects the golden lion tamarin but also people all over the world. Humans and plants have a symbiotic relationship that humans breath out Carbon Dioxide and plants breath in Carbon Dioxide and breath out oxygen that we breath. Cutting down trees minimizes the amount of oxygen on Earth maybe not by much but after cutting down many trees it starts to add up.
ReplyDeleteThe Brazilians cut down the trees in the forest to build homes and burned the rest for settlement, coffee and sugar plantations, and for agriculture. I think another reason why they cleared the forest is because the Brazilians wanted to claim their land and use it before the Europeans had opportunity to claim the land. The outcome of deforestation was that the Golden Lion Tamarin were losing their homes. Deforestation has impacted animals by taking away their homes and food. It has impacted humans by wanting help the cause, and impacted the environment by only having 2 percent of the original forest left. A biologist did not like that the Tamarins were near extinction so he asked the government to have a wildlife refuge to protect these monkeys. The Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Program has helped these monkeys alot and are planning to have 2 thousand Tamarins by 2025!
ReplyDeleteThe Brazilians cut down many of the trees for their homes. Another reson why they cut down trees is because they wanted land to farm on. The results of this deforestation is that many different kinds of animals, including the golden lion tamarin, lost their homes in the forest. But the farmers needed land so they could live there, so in some ways it was good that they cut down trees and in others it was bad.