Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Think about your experiences at Astrocamp and comment on:

What was one lesson or activity at Astrocamp that helped you learn or understand something better in science.

Write about your personal experiences at Astrocamp and discuss your favorite moment with friends, which part of the camp you like the most, etc.

Would you recommend Astrocamp to next year's 5th graders?

Remember to focus on organization, answering the questions listed above and your spelling/grammar.


  1. #6: My personal favorite part of Astrocamp was walking around with my friends and eating with my friends. When we were the rockets, I learned what difference gyro fins and straight fins do.

  2. #20

    Atoms. When my teacher taught us about atoms I really understood it more. Then he did a example for the positive and negitive charges repel, and contrast. It was really cool. When even got skocked. It hurt a little. Chas of wanted to do it over and over again. Myb teacher took what looks like a tattoce needle and put it to are hands and we were shocked. It was so cool.

    My friends and I all loved the Zipline. That was the best part. Besides rock climbing. That was a lot of fun as well. The hard part was climbing the white rope. I had to get over my fears at first. When I was at the very top but when I jumped it was worth it.

    I think next years 5th graders would love to go. They would have a lot of fun for sure. You should do Astro Camp for the next group of %th graders.

    I was honest with my answers.

  3. #29- At Astrocamp, I learned how a black hole can pull stuff towards it. My favorite thing at science camp was the zipline. I like Astrocamp because there was alot of activities. I also like going there because I kind of want to stay away from my parents. Since we didn't have any problems when we went there, problaly will think that they can handle it too.

  4. #17
    I think that the activity that helped me learn the most science was the night hike. When we got up to the telescopes We got to see distant planets and we got to see a star cluster. It was really cool. Some fun moments I had with my friends were at the meadow and at our doorms. At the meadow Mikayla, Sophie, Chloe and I rolled in the grass and used the tree that you could go into as a tribe house, it was funny. At our doorms we kind of just talked and laughed. All lot of people stuck their head out the window and started to talk, they called it the, "Window System" it was kind of fun to do although we only did it once. I think that next years fifth graders will have a lot of fun at Astrocamp. Astrocamp was a really fun memory that I will never forget.

  5. #25
    When my class went to astrocamp their was somethings in science before that I didn't understand. One example of something I didn't understand was liquid nitrogen. I did not know that it was negative three hundered degrees farenhite. I held it for to long and it burned my hand. My favorite part of that class was when we ate the frozen marshmellos by putting them in the liquid nitrogen first. My favorite part of our entire trip at astrocamp was most definatly ziplineing. While your in midair it is awesome. At the end you crash in to a padded poll and land on a platform. The first time I went I cracked the wood that Scott through at me in half. Scott was one of the leaders at astrocamp. For the current 4th graders who will attend astrocamp next year my advice is pack warm clothes because it's realy cold. Also ziplineing is the most fun activity there so tell Mr. Hurley that you want to go on that.

  6. 18is:) I had a great time at astrocamp it was one of the best things we did this year. The zipline is one of my favort things. I learnd that if you are hever you go faster. I would recommend tthis to next years class. it is so fun. Id want to go agen, if I could. Going on the night hike was so fun. learnning about the stars and planets. I saw satern in the black telescope. In the wight one I saw the north star.

  7. #5
    The lesson that helped me at Astrocamp was gas science. We filled balloons up with helium, nitrogen, and hydrogen. Next we lit the balloons on fire with a lighter. As soon as the fire touched the balloon full of hydrogen it exploded and the door flew open on its own!

    My favorite moment with my friends was in our dorm the first night. We played and had fun in the dorms. It wasnt the only thing that was fun. Mikayla and I went ziplining together for one of the activities. That was the most fun.

    I definitely recommend Astro Camp for next years 5th graders!

  8. #8

    Astocamp is a fun and cold place to be but it is only tree days long. The food is good and after every meal it is free play and then we go to the meeting spot and do the next class. The class are fun and you can blow stuff up and freeze stuff. You do a night hike and look at planets. The next day you do zip line then you need to go home.

  9. #13
    An activity that we did was all about teamwork and it was really fun. we had to get to the planet from the spaceship. it was really hard because of the giant squid. We had carpets to get to the planet, but the giant squid could take the carpet away. We made it to the planet on the third try. I liked it because it was awsome doing all the activitys at Astrocamp. My favorite moment with my friends was the Zip line. I was really scared at first but when I pushed myself off the steps I felt the brease in my face and a fly got in my nose. I liked when we went out and saw all the stars and constellation. The best was when we saw Saturn. It looked like a sticker that glows. I totally would recomend it to the next years fifth graders. It was a blast.

  10. #23
    Astrocamp made me understand more about the consultations and how to find them. One of the best things at astrocamp was the zip line I thought it was scary at first but then I wanted to go on it over and over again and even sleeping in those cozy cabins was the best and although the people in cabin where slow and we were all always last it was still fun our leader was also very fun and he was very funny too when we had to leave it was sad because it was fun at astrocamp but we had to leave. Next years 5th graders should be able to experience the same thing that we got and they should be able to have fun. So I think that next years 5th graders should be able to eat a frozen stuff pop balloons and all kids of cool things so yup I think they should be able to go to astrocamp next year.

  11. #9 B)
    One thing at Astrocamp that helped me learn more about science was when my group got to experiment with dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and a lot more. We put dry ice in a fish tank ful of water only, then we blew bubbles into is and they floated over the water! We also put old pennies and new pennies in liquid nitrogen. I was able to brake one of the lpennies into many different pieces. Then, we put marshmellows into the liquid nitrogen and afterwards ate them! I loved going on the zipline with my friend Cathy. It was fun climbing up the high net, we were lucky our legs never fell through! When we got to the top it got creepier than it looked, but going down it was awesome! I also like launching rockets and seeing how high they went! I was exited to know which rockets went in the Hall of Fame, or the Trees of Shame! None landed in the Trees of Shame. I would definitaly recomend Astrocamp for next years 5th graders. It was a great learning experience, and really fun!

  12. #27..... My experiences at Astro Camp were really fun. My favorite part was the Zip Line. I liked the Zip Line the best because at first I was a little scared of heights, but now I am a lot more comfortable about being in high places. I also enjoyed making rockets. I could not believe how high some of them went. I would recommend that next year's fifth graders sign up for Astro Camp. I would recommend they sign up because, besides fun, Astro Camp is filled with learning. At Astro Camp, you can learn about the atmosphere, Isaac Neuton's laws of motion, how to trust a partner, all about Mars, and all about all the planets. Something that helped me learn is when we were able to climb the rockwall while learning about Valles Marineris. It helped me learn because I got to look at big computers with facts about Mars all over them. you needed one fact about Mars to climb a wall, so you could learn a lot from that fun experience. That was my awesome trip to Astro Camp.

  13. #26
    I like my experience at Astrocamp because, I had a lot of fun with my friends. Some of my favorite lessons Were freezing and blowing things up and the zip line. I had fun at some of the other lessons too like the Hike and the telescopes. What like about Freezing and blowing up things was that We got to taste liquid nitrogen marshmallows and, the explosion of the nitrogen balloons. Liked the zip line because, it was scaring getting up the nets but, it was not so scaring on the zip line. What I liked at the hike was that there were a lot of animal there and we got to climb rocks. I like the telescopes because you can see Saturn in the telescopes and it looked like the pictures. Over all I think Astrocamp was Fun but, educational.

  14. #14
    One lesson that helped me understand science more was the atmoshere and gases class. I really enjoied the night hike with the telescopes. The day hike was also really fun. My favorite moment at Astrocamp was when Jack and I went on the zipline. My favorite area at Astrocamp was the dorms and the lunch room. I woud definitly recommend Astrocamp to next years fifth graders because of the zipline. Overall I think Astrocamp is an awesome program.

  15. #1:)

    Astrocamp was one of the best times of my life. I learned so many things, and had a great time. One of the classes, Atmosphere and Gasses, helped me understand what would happen if there was no air. The instructor put marshmallows into a container, and sucked all the air out. The marshmallow started to expand. Then, she let all the air back in, and the marshmallows started to shrivel up. We also handled liquid nitrogen. When I saw her put chips into the liquid nitrogen then eat it, I thought she was crazy. I watched icy air come out of her nose and mouth. We each got to try our liquid nitrogen chips. She filled balloons with Hydrogen, and we set it on fire. The balloons exploded and the room got really hot. At Astrocamp, we also went zip lining. It was my favorite activity. It was like sliding down something in air. I also liked the dorms. It was actually probably comfortable in them. I liked breakfast, lunch, and dinner, because everything was so good except the chicken. After we ate I got to spend time with my friends. During our free time, my friends and I recorded videos, like chap-stick commercials. I loved the night hike too. There were so many stars, and Saturn looked so cool through a telescope. Our group instructor stopped walking, and we all formed a circle. She told us to stare at someone across from us. We all did, and after a while, their heads, then bodies started to disappear. I recommend next year's fifth graders to go.

  16. #15

    Astrocamp was a great experience for me we did expiriments that we could never do in the at school. I loved going on the zipline I was a little scared to go on a first but it was a lot of fun. We had a great camp countserler named Elana. We also made a balloon catch on fire. We learned about all the planets and I learned saturn is so light if you had a bucket of water big enouht it would float.

  17. #30 says....

    What helped me a lot was the one class called Atmosphere and Gases. It helped me understand more things about the periodic table, and that class was so awesome! My favorite parts about that class were where we got to eat either a marshmellow or an oreo cookie dunked in liquid nitrogen and where we got to see a balloon full of helium or hydrogen pop and either just explode really loudly or explode with fire really loudly. My favorite part about Astrocamp were the activities that we did. My favorite activity was the zipline and all of us got to go twice. The first time for me was a little scary because I had to stand on a ledge and my friend also said it was creepy. When I was launched, I went really fast and I didn't know if we were supposed to go that fast because it was my first time to ever go ziplining. But the second time when I almost reached my tour guide's hand, I went backwards and got stuck in what is called "Wedgietown". It was really uncomfortable and my group had to pull me with a rope to reach the finish line of the zipline. One last thing, yes I recommend Astrocamp to next year's 5th graders!

  18. #16

    One lesson helped me identify diffrent gases. We filled up three balloons with three diffrent gases; hyrogen, heliem, and nitrogen. The first test we did was a float test. Since hydrogen and heliem float, balloons number one and two floated. The second test we did was the flame test. Since hydrogen is flamable, balloon number one exploded with a big flame. One moment I remember most was when Alyssa ate nine huge plates of spaghetti. One of my favorite things to do was the long zipline. I do think that next year's fifth graders should go to Astocamp because it is a good learning experience and it is also very fun.

  19. #24
    What helped me learn understand better about science would be when we were talking about atoms and electricity. We talked about how if in a circuit if an electron leaves the whole circuit flow would stop. What I really liked doing with friends is playing the trust games, that was relly fun and also our break between classes to just talk about whatwe learned and what we did in the class we just went to. I would say I liked the woods. I was enjoying myself seeing all the animals, like a stink bug and I even found a mineral. I would recommend Astrocamp for next year's 5th graders because they would have fun and also learn at the same time.

  20. #19 Astrocamp was really fun for me and alot of other people Astrocamp was also fun for alot of ressons first of all when we came to astrocamp we meat a lady named Mery she was a nice lady she explained every thing to use and the other schools.Then after that we whent to the grass erea that was the area wher we played then after that mery came and showed use the drinking fountens and bathrooms,meating spotes,beds(dorms),and the activaties that we are going to do we did a bunch of activaties like night hiking,morning hiking,zipline,astronomy,rockets,and more.I was in Wills group he was really smart and fun to be with.I was really sad when I left astrocamp.

  21. #28
    The lesson that helped me the most is the class were we got to blow stuff up. It helped me understand to never put fire by a balloon filled with helium. The most fun time that I had with my friends was the zipline because the zipline was really fun and my friends were having a good time so it was fun to see all of them happy. :)

  22. #21

    Astrocamp was a great experience for me and I am very glad that I went! One of the classes at Astrocamp was Atmosphere and Gases. This class was probably the most fun. It helped me understand the Periodic Table more. We were experimenting with different elements, and how they reacted with eachother. I also learned some more physical properties of elements. For example, two out of three elements made a balloon float up. The second most fun activity was the hike to see the stars with telescopes. In that activity I learned lots of new stars and saw where they were located in the sky. Along with that I saw the constilations that I have seen before but I never knew that they made a specific shape. I had so much fun with my friends this trip. At breakfast, lunch, dinner, the bus, there was so much to talk about. My favorite time with friends was probably during the time we ate, or on all the hikes we had. My favorite things that I did there was the Atmposphere and Gases, hikes, Astronomy night, and the zipline. I would definitly recommend this for next years fifth graders. The only tip I would mention is listen to what they are saying. Once, my friend did not listen to what the rules were so when he got on the zipline, he got hurt and his foot was hurting the rest of the day, but this was definitly a great experience for me and I hope it is for them too.

  23. #10
    My favorite thing to do at astro camp was playing cards at the dorm. I think that my favorite thing was either the night hike with star gazing or, the experiment with the pennies and liquid nitrogen. My favorite activity was the nature walk. The food was the best. I would give it 4 out of 5. The only bad thing at astro camp was the policies you would starve for about 3 hours then go in and eat. my favorite food was the vegetarian ravioli.

  24. I had a very fun time during the three days at Astrocamp. There were many fun activities and don't forget the food that they served. An activity that taught me something new about science probaly was the Atmasphere Gases class. I learned new things about gases including how they react with each other. I had many good experiences in Astrocamp including the zipline, being at the dorms, playing in the gym, playing games, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In the zipline, I thought that I would just go throught the zipline as soon as I got up and not get so scared. However, when I got to the top in a platform that we were to zipline out of it was higher than I expected and it seemed to be moving making it feel like I was going to fall. But, I just quickly ziplined and it was actually fun. Being at the dorms with my friends was cool since we could play cards talk all we wanted until we had to sleep or do something. That was the best moment I passed with my friends, talking and playing cards in the dorms. I also made new friends in Astrocamp including bigger kids from St. James. I have to say that I can't pick my favorite part of Astrocamp. To the 5th graders of next year I would totally recommend them to go to Astrocamp if they can. Astrocamp brings good memories and moments.

  25. I forgot to put my number on mine it was posted June 9,2011 10:12 Am


  26. 22~

    What helped me learn is about science would be talking about Explosin and The Periodic Table. We were talking about how if in a circuit and if a electronleaves the whole circuit, the circuit flow and it would stop. What I really like doing with my friends is doing the planetsgames and also playin jeperdy with them. At Astro Camp, you can learn about the atmosphere, Isaac Neuton's laws of motion, how to trust a partner, all about Mars, and all about all the planets. We went day hiking with Mary. At the day hiking were playing like, finding who foot prints it is. The funniest thing at astro camp was Zipling it was really fun, if you way 100 pounds you can go on ziplining and if didn't way 100 ponds you need to go with somebody. We went rock climbing it was in a dark place, it was hurting my hand so bad. My hand was really stif.
    Astro camp was the best thing every happen to me!

  27. #11- An activity I did at Astrocamp that helped me understand science better was the zipline because when the zipline accelerated, I understood that the amount of mass (or weight) that is on the zipline has an effect on how fast the zipline goes. I understood more about Newton's Second Law of Motion, force equals mass times acceleration. I had a lot of fun at Astrocamp it's as though Astrocamp is a mix between science, math, and fun. I had an excellent time in my room with my roommates, they were very nice. My favorite overall experience would be learning about stars and space. I would absolutely recommend this to next year's fifth graders because I had an awesome time, and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too. Astrocamp was a very excellent experience to have.

  28. #31
    Astrocamp is a fun place! There are a lot of activities and the food is great! There is a zipline, a power pole and the sky coaster. The zipline is where you climb up a net to a platform where you start rolling down a steel cable at fast speeds, I crashed into a punching bag. The power pole is where you climb up a telephone pole and leap off of it trying to catch a red ball dangling from a line. The sky coaster is where you get into a harness and your team hoists you up. Then you pull a rip cord and are weightless. There is also a gymnasium, where there are basketball courts, a small rock wall and other things. Right next to this gym is a room where you get information from an interactive computer and climb a rock wall. We also went on a night hike to look through telescopes at stars and planets. There were also rockets that we made. We launched them in the afternoon, this was fun. Out of all of these activities my personal favorite was the class. We got to eat liquid nitrogen oreos, pop balloons in vacuum chambers and blow up stuff. My favorite thing that we blew up was the hydrogen balloon. We took two hydrogen balloons, put them on a handle and lit them. Boom!!!

  29. #4
    At Astrocamp there are many things that you learn about science. There you focus more on astronomy than any other in science. They all tought me something or helped me understand something I already knew, but one of them helped me more. It was learning about the charges of protons and neutrons. I already knew how to, but they helped me understand it better. They helped me understand it better by demonstrating by putting a electronic rod close to a metal ball surrounded by copper wireing on the bottom. When they put the rod close to it a bolt of elctrons attatched itself to the ball. This explained it so much better. So now I know that protons have a posative charge and neutrons have a negative charge better than I used to.
    At Astrocamp there are so many fun activities to do including making bottle rockets then launching them, hiking, doing a scavenger hunt, eperiments, and going on a zipline! Out of all of these fun activities, it was hard to choose, but the zipline was the best! It started from a high up platform, dipped down, and ended on one just like the starting platform. On the zipline you have to be over one hundred puonds to go by yourself. So I had to go with a buddy. I chose my friend Alexia to go with me. We both went on and had a fantastic time! It was so fun that we went twice! We really want to do it again.
    Next year when I won't be in fifth grade I will want the other fifth graders to go. They will love it like I loved it. If they do go I want to ask if I can go. I probably wont be able to but, I stll hope the fifth graders next year will have fun if they do go. I reccomend it and give it five stars!!!
