Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Britain on the Offensive, Washington strikes back

In the first years of the Revolution, the British army focused on creating New York as a stronghold especially because there were so many Loyalists there. Britain had a great deal of success against the American army eventually pushing all American soldiers out of the colony and ultimately into Pennsylvania.
Given how the initial battles went for the Americans, why was it important for Washington to risk a night crossing of the Delaware River? Who did Washington seek to surprise? Was his plan successful? What did the crossing symbolize for all Americans?

Be sure to watch the entire video! Take your time and study it. You may watch it more than once and it may help you to watch the video after reading this blog so you know what information will be important.

Check your spelling and grammar, remember, I am viewing your responses.

Monday, December 6, 2010


You are a young colonist who strongly supports the efforts of Paul Revere and other members of the revolution. Your best friend, however, does not support the revolution and finds out that Paul Revere is preparing to warn the villages of Lexington and Concord about British troop movements. You know your friend has this information, what would you do to prevent your closest friend from warning the British?

Remember to include your atomic number and watch your spelling, grammar and organization!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?

One of the goals we had as a class was to identify the Author's Viewpoint about Paul Revere. What feelings or viewpoint do you believe Jean Fritz has about Paul? Does she think he was an important person who did many things or does she give the reader a sense that Paul was not very important?
What words or sentences from the biography suggest the author's view about Paul Revere? Use at least one word or sentence as an example from the story to support your answer. 

Remember to use your Atomic Number and check your spelling and grammar.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mae Jemison: Space Scientist

Think about the theme of this unit: "Give It All You've Got." In what way has Mae Jemison given it all she had and do you think that she is a good example to use for this theme? Be sure to cite examples from the story about her - be specific!

To remain anonymous, make sure you use your assigned classroom number.
To get full credit, make sure you have checked your spelling and grammar!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ethics and Unanswered Questions: The Voyage of Christopher Columbus.

Christopher Columbus was successful in some ways as an explorer yet perhaps not so in other ways. After having viewed the video about him, write about some of the consequences of his journey looking for a passage to the Indies. Do you think he did the right thing in trying to find a new route? Did everyone benefit from his discoveries or were there costs? Do you believe Columbus went back to Spain having all of the answers he sought on his voyages?

Make sure you anwer in complete sentences, check your grammar, spelling and punctuation. Try to use at least one quote from the video!

Heart of a Champion: Michelle Kwan

Michelle is aware of the rules that she must follow in professional ice skating. Do you think she made the right choice when she decided to forgo her amateur status? Be sure your answer includes some quote from Michelle's autobiography to support your response.

Write your response in complete sentences, watch your grammar and punctuation.
Be sure to include your caltech number!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Warren Faidley: Storm Chaser

After reading about Warren Faidley, do you think that he is aware of the danger he is in when he goes storm chasing? Is there evidence from his account of chasing tornadoes in the Texas and Oklahoma area that he realizes it is dangerous? Find a quote from the story to support your answer.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Earthquake Terror!

Describe how Jonathan feels about his sister Abby and explain whether you feel you would share his feelings if you had a sister like that and were experiencing an earthquake. Would you feel responsible for her? Would you have stayed with Abby after the quake or would you have tried to go find your parents?

Friday, August 20, 2010

An Interesting Thing...

The first assignment for this blog will be to write a paragraph (at least five sentences) commenting on at least one interesting thing you did this past summer.

If you have not completed this blog entry, do so as soon as you are able. If you do not have time in class, you may complete the blog entry at home!