Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Earthquake Terror!

Describe how Jonathan feels about his sister Abby and explain whether you feel you would share his feelings if you had a sister like that and were experiencing an earthquake. Would you feel responsible for her? Would you have stayed with Abby after the quake or would you have tried to go find your parents?


  1. #30

    I think Jonathan feels very careful about Abby because he thinks that his sister has to be safe and I would think that to because I would not like it if my sister died in an earthquake. I would feel very risponsible for her because she is my sister and I would not want her to die. I would have stayed with her before,during, and after the quake and then both of us would go try to find our parents and hopfully find them.

  2. #26

    I think jonathan feels good about how he is protcing his sister. I think he protced her because she has partialy paralized legs. If I was by my self with a sister I would feel responsible. I would feel resonsible because she is yonger. Would stay with abby and wait for my parents. I would stay because I might get lost.

  3. #9
    Jonathan really loves his sister, and you can tell by some of the details in the story. In the story he stays behind her so he can see her. I would feel the same way if i had a sister like Abby. I would stay by her side no matter what happens. I would also try to protect her before myself. I think i would feel responsible for her mainly because i would be! After the earthquake i would of stay with Abby and hope that my parents would come and find us! If they don't after a certain amount of time I would take Abby with me to look for my parents!

  4. #21 I think Jonathan feels very protective and responsable for Abby because she can't do much for herself since her leg is paralyzed and I would share his feelings if I had a sister like that and were experiencing an earthquake. Yes, I would feel responsable for her.I would have gotten Abby in a safe place then look for someone that could help us.

  5. #9
    Jonathan really loves his sister, and you can tell by some of the details in the story. In the story he stays behind her so he can see her. I would feel the same way if i had a sister like Abby. I would stay by her side no matter what happens. I would also try to protect her before myself. I think i would feel responsible for her mainly because i would be! After the earthquake i would of stay with Abby and hope that my parents would come and find us! If they don't after a certain amount of time I would take Abby with me to look for my parents!

  6. 32: Jonathan feels very pertective to his little sister abby. Yes, I would want to share my feelings. Yes, I would feel responsebleto abby. I would bring abby with me to find my parents.

  7. #24 I think Jonathan feels resbonsible for Abby and he knows he has to take care of his sister he knows that Abby can't take care of herself because her legs are paralyzed so he feels he is the parent to Abby now that thier parent left to the hospital, and yes I would share those feelings if I had a that couldn't take care of herself because her legs are paralyzed and was handling an earthquake.Yes, I would be a parent to Abby help her through this situation and find her a safe place to go for the earthquake and tell her everything will be alright.

  8. #2

    I think taht Jonathan felt very responsible with his sister,abby. He took very good care of her. I would have done the same and would have stayed with abby.

  9. 18::::::: I think that he feels resposabule for abby when hs parents are gone. He woud not want to loose her is the earthquake. He know that abby is only 6. She is practicley har less with out him.

  10. #16

    Jonathan feels like he is very responsible for his sister and he really loves her. I would share his same feelings beacause i have a sister in a wheelchair. I would feel very resonsible for her so if anything were to happen to her I would be blamed. Yes, I would have stayed with her beacause if I were to leave her alone something bad could happen. It would be all my fault.

  11. #1::::::::::Jonathan really cares for his sister Abby. He shows that he cares for her by walking behind her because she had partially paralized legs. Jonathan protected Abby from the earthquake instead of just saving himself by telling her to go under a fallen redwood tree. If I had a sister like Abby I would really care for her and if we were in an earthquake I would protect her and not just myself. I would feel responsible for Abby.

  12. #25 I think Jonathan cares about his sister because he didnt have to save her. Also he said before he was going to listen to the game he would put Abby on her bed. I would feel responsible. If I was in that situation I would do the same thing he did an also his parents were probobly still at the hospital so he would have a hard time finding them.

  13. #5

    I think jonathan feels responsible for Abby when the earthquake hits because Abby's legs are paralyzed and their parents are at the hospital.Yes,i would have the same feelings for Abby like Jonathan did for her during the earthquake.

  14. #27..... I think that Jonathan cares a lot about his sister and feels that he is responsible for her because his parents are not there. When the earthquake happens he is extra worried and is trying everything he can to protect her. If I had a sister and are parents were gone I would feel really responsible for my sister.If we got caught in a really big earthquake I would do my best to keep her safe. I would stay with her until it was over. I would be worried and would want to make sure she didn't get hurt. I would do what Jonathan did for Abby.

  15. #6:I think Jonathan felt responsible for Abby.If I was in a earthquake without my parents and I was responsible for my sister that's legs are paralyzed,I would protect her.

  16. #13 He is realy responsible of Abby and so would I because she was partialy paralised.I would have stayed with her because she lost her walker

  17. #10
    I would help my family as much as possible. I think jonathan helped a lot. He found shelter for them made sure they were safe. He also made sure they were okay after the quake. Jonathan did the right thing and kept everyone from getting hurt.

  18. #17 I think that Jonothan really cares for his sister's safety, and probably feels responsible for her. I think that he must be a very caring brother. Like, he makes sure that she walks in front of him so he doesn't get to far ahead,and when the earthquake happended and the tree fell on an angle on another tree instead of just going under there by himself making sure that he was safe he desided to grab his sister and Moose to make sure that they were safe. I think that if I were in that situation I would probably do the same thing. I would also feel responsible for her if my parents were gone like that because I would feel almost like her parent and I would know my family would be counting on me. After the earthqauke was over I would probably make sure that no one was injured,and if everyone was alright then I would head back to the cabin and relax and wait for our parents to come home.

  19. #12
    I can tell from details of this story that Jonathan really cares about Abby and even though he has to look after her and be nice to her he actully loves her

  20. #20 Jonthan cares about his sister Abby a lot and keeps her safe. I would do the smae if i had a sister i would get her in safety if a earthquacke happen.iI would stay with abby untill the earthquacke. I would feel very responible for her.

  21. #4
    I think Jonathan feels that he is in charge and responsible for Abby since there mom and dad left them all alone to go take there mom to the hospital and she can't take care of herself because she is paralyzed. I would show those feelings because she is paralyzed and she can't take care of herself during the earthquake. I would feel verry resposible and would have stayed with her during the earthquake and would protect her from falling debris. I would have waited until somebody called or came back.

  22. I think feels responsible for abby. He is bigger then her and he is wantching her. they are walking in the forest. A earthqick hits the earth.

  23. #29-Jonathan cares about his sister by giving her advice what to do in an earthquake and I would give advice too if I had a sister If there was an earthquake.If she got hurt, I will feel responsible for not protect her.I would stay because if I leave her alone she could get hurt and my parents will be very mad for leaving her there.

  24. #7-I think Jonathan feels responcible for Abby because she's parcily paralised and his parents arn't there because there mom broke her ancel. I think I would feel the same way as Jonathan eapecily with Abby who is parcily paralised and even worse to be in a big Earth quake and it only being the first one I've ever been in I'd be realy scared. the first thing I would do is make shure Abby was alright and stayed with her to the point to were she cold walk with me to go find help or our parents
