Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The View from Saturday

Nadia is upset with Ethan. She believes he knows or knew something about her and her family. She demands that Ethan tell her and he is of course, confused (on page 331).

What do you think Nadia believes Ethan knows or knew about her, her mother and her father?

Hint: It has something to do with Ethan knowing that Nadia's mom was going to interview in New York and how it relates to the divorce.

Your answers must be based on the above question and show a good attempt at understanding why Nadia was so upset with Ethan.

Watch your grammar and spelling. Leave your classroom number for grading purposes.


  1. #2
    when Nadia's mother said she was divorcing Nadia's father and wanted to move to New York where she grew up, Ethan's grandmother set up an interview with Dr. Gershom

    1. How or why would that make Nadia upset?

      There is something more here.

      Mr. H

  2. when allen and nadia mother got divorced ethan's grandmother set up an interview for nadia's mother with dr.gershom


    1. This is not a sufficient answer. Why is Nadia upset with Ethan?

      Use proper grammar!

      Mr. H.

  3. febuary 6 2013 at 6:09

    nadia thinks that ethan and his grandma planned the divorse before it started. Nadia shoud get over with it.


  4. Nadia thinks that Ethan knows that her mom was planning a divorce for a while so she went to New York for an interview and that Ethan won't tell her.


  5. Ethan and Margret knew Nadia's parents were going to divorce, so Margret set up an interview were Nadia's mom grew-up so her mom would be far from her so then Nadia would be miserable. So then maybe Nadia would be to miserable to do anything so she would move to new York with her mom and Margret would live in peace and Quite so she doesn't have to see Nadia for a long time because she proboly hates Nadia.


  6. Nadia thinks Ethan knew about her mother moving to New York and that she was going to be divorcing Nadia's father all before Ethan and Nadia knew each other. Nadia also thinks Ethan knows more about her life than she does.


  7. Nadia was angry at Ethan. Ethan had a tooth key-chain. Nadia asked Ethan where he got it. He got it from Nadia's mother. She works as a dental hygienist for Dr. Gershom. Nadia didn't like how he knew something for a long time and didn't tell her, because Nadia asked him why he hadn't told her that. And he thought it wasn't important. Dr. Gershom is Ethan's family dentist. Margaret knew Dr. Gershom too. Nadia wanted to know what Ethan knew that she didn't know. He didn't know what Nadia didn't know. She wanted to know what Ethan knew about her, her dad, and her mom. Ethan said that when Nadia's mom was going to divorce her father, she was going to move to New York, so Margaret set up a job interview with Dr. Gershom.

    Nadia was mad at Margaret because she somewhat made the divorce worse. So Nadia didn't want to go on another turtle walk again. Nadia asked her dad if he knew about the job interview. He did. He didn't tell her because he thought it wasn't important. Nadia said Ethan was like her dad. Her dad wasn't a communicator.

